August 17 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
I. Regular Meeting
Chairman James Cloar called the regular meeting of the Tampa Housing Authority Board of Commissioners to order at 8:37 a.m. Other Board members present were Lorena Hardwick, Sul Hemani, Parker Homans, and legal counsel Ricardo Gilmore. Commissioner Billi Johnson-Griffin participated by phone. Commissioners Bemetra Salter Liggins and Ben Dachepalli were not present for this meeting.
The Chair began by asking everyone for a moment of silent prayer and/or personal meditation; those in attendance were also asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance; recital of the agency's mission statement followed after approval of the minutes.
II. Minutes
A motion to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of June 15, 2022 was made by Commissioner Hemani and seconded by Commissioner Hardwick:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
Commissioner Homans - Yes
Commissioner Johnson-Griffin - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
III. Public Forum (3 minutes limit allotted per speaker)
- None to come before this forum
IV. Employees of the Month
- Administration - Joan Lau
- Properties - Evadne 'Hopie' Francis
V. Special Recognition (Geraldine Barnes Award)
- Recipient - Darriel Williams
VI. Resolutions
The Sr. VP/CFO, Ms. Susi Begazo-McGourty presented resolution number 2022-4229. This resolution consisted of a presentation of the agency's budget for the fiscal year 2022-2023.
- 2022-4229: A resolution to ratify the annual budget for fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, as presented by the President/CEO, Jerome D. Ryans, for review by the board of commissioners.
A motion was made by Commissioner Hardwick and seconded by Commissioner Hemani:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
Commissioner Homans - Yes
Commissioner Johnson-Griffin - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
The Director of Real Estate Development, Mr. David Iloanya presented resolutions 2022-4236 and 2022-4237.
- 2022-4236: A resolution authorizing the President/CEO of The Housing Authority of The City of Tampa to execute a master developer term sheet with Property Markets Group (PMG)/Bank of America CDC (BACDC) for the redevelopment of Robles Park Village and Zion Cemetery Preservation Project as delineated in the master plan completed in March 2021.
A motion was made by Commissioner Homans and seconded by Commissioner Hemani:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
Commissioner Homans - Yes
Commissioner Johnson-Griffin - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
- 2022-4237: A resolution authorizing the President/CEO of The Housing Authority of The City of Tampa to execute a vertical developer term sheet with related group for the redevelopment of Robles Park Village and Zion Cemetery Preservation Project as delineated in the master plan completed in March 2021.
A motion was made by Commissioner Homans and seconded by Commissioner Hardwick:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
Commissioner Homans - Yes
Commissioner Johnson-Griffin - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
The Director of Assisted Housing, Ms. Margaret Jones presented resolution 2022-4238.
- 2022-4238: Approving the revision of the Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan's interim policy.
A motion was made by Commissioner Hardwick and seconded by Commissioner Hemani:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
Commissioner Homans - Yes
Commissioner Johnson-Griffin - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
The Sr. VP/COO, Mr. Leroy Moore presented resolution 2022-4239.
- 2022-4239: Resolution authorizing the President/CEO of The Housing Authority of The City of Tampa (THA) to an acquisition payment to Bank of America Community Development Corporation (BACDC) for Renaissance at West River.
A motion was made by Commissioner Homans and seconded by Commissioner Hardwick:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
Commissioner Homans - Yes
Commissioner Johnson-Griffin - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
VII. President/CEO's Report
Finance and Related Entities
Ms. Begazo-McGourty informed Board members that her staff was working on the next audit for the fiscal year 2022. The CFO also referred to Mr. Moore's mention of developer fees, there was currently billing of these fees for the Ella, the Trio, the Reed at Encore, and eventually the Renaissance at West River. After the audit a report reflects the amount of cash flow for distribution of developer fees.
The Boulevard Towers at West River were currently in operation and were producing financial statements, these statements may be added to next month's Board report.
Overall, THA properties were performing well specifically the RAD properties with great occupancy and performance, concluded the CFO.
Operations and Real Estate Development
Mr. Moore's report began with updates of Encore, as previously reported everything was progressing towards closing several lots, one lot being the grocer lot. The COO referred Commissioners to their Board packet for news coverage of the Encore Community Job Training Center.
Encore will begin to receive services from the Downtown Clean Team as well as other services, as it is now part of the downtown partnership service route; services will begin in August through September.
Mr. Moore announced the closing of the Publix Supermarket purchase for West River's parcel T5, a $2.75 million acquisition. Manor at West River was progressing to a closing in the next 60 to 90 days for 350 market-rate units. The COO also hoped to close on the Townhomes before the end of the year. After Renaissance's conversion the last step of that conversion will be to exit the developer partner.
Groundbreaking of Canopy Phase 1 took place in June and construction was underway. Mr. Moore announced the opening of the Central Greenway at the Boulevards at West River, as well as the unveiling of the Boulevard Flow Public Art in September, as an evening reception.
The COO next mentioned working through the development services agreement with the City of Tampa for the Rome Yard project, activity was not expected for the next nine to twelve months.
The relocation process for Robles Park Village was to begin in September, the longer it takes to start the better said the COO, considering the current market for looking for a place to rent.
Mr. Moore provided an update on the St. James Church, which was planned to serve as an African American Museum; the next stage for the fully restored church was to seat a Board of Commissioners. THA former Commissioner Dr. Hazel Harvey had served as Board representative and was no longer. Other updates by the COO included recent conversations with the Tampa History Center regarding partnerships to mentor the museum startup, he would continue conversations and hoped to have a list of names for the Board by next year.
Included in his report, the Director of Human Resources, Mr. Kenneth Christie reported that the agency had been open to the public for almost a month, and the HR department continued to follow the CDC recommendations as well as applicable federal and state laws regarding the pandemic. The director provided details regarding the latest Omicron subvariant, which was responsible for 65% of infections in the U.S. as well as infections tracking in Florida.
The director announced that THA will provide booster shots to staff members, the location will be at the main office and date and time will be provided when available.
Mr. Christie updated the Board regarding hurricane preparation, with current temperature patterns it was expected to be an active season; the director also spoke about the proper steps to take in case of a major hurricane.
Lastly, Mr. Christie updated the Board regarding the recent Health Fair the agency held at the corporate office for the first time in two years since the start of the pandemic.
The Director of Program and Property Services, Ms. Stephanie Brown-Gilmore was asked to provide information regarding the COVID tests donated by Mr. Lalami. The director had been in communication with Commissioner Hemani and was aware of the donation, she informed Board members how these will be distributed to THA residents.
VIII. Legal Matters
- None to come before this forum.
IX. Notices and Updates
The Director of Community Affairs, Ms. Lillian Stringer provided more details regarding the unveiling of the Boulevard Flow Public Art at West River that included the date of the event, September 22, 2022.
X. Unfinished Business
Commissioner Hemani asked the Board to consider increasing the CEO's salary percentage from 3.5% to 4.7% and Board members agreed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Homans and seconded by Commissioner Hardwick:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
Commissioner Homans - Yes
Commissioner Johnson-Griffin - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
XI. New Business
- None to come before this forum.
XII. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before this Board, the Chair declared this meeting of the THA Board of Commissioners adjourned at 9:46 a.m.
Approved this 17th day of August 2022.