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Public Safety


One of our major goals at The Tampa Housing Authority and what we continually strive for is to create, promote and maintain a safe and secure environment for our staff, residents, and their families. The Public Safety Department is committed and dedicated to these goals and objectives. We continue to work with the other Tampa Housing Authority Departments both in developing and implementing safety strategies and programs that adhere to the Tampa Housing Authority's mission of providing safe and quality housing.

William Jackson Headshot
William Jackson,
Director of Public Safety

Hotline Banner

  • The Public Safety Department, in conjunction with Asset Management, Tampa Police Department, and the Hillsborough County Sheriff Department has teamed up and implemented the Safety Awareness For Everyone (S.A.F.E.) program. The SAFE program is a state-of-the-art, crime prevention program designed to build community provide, increase awareness and safety, reduce premise liability, provide access to Safe and Sound juvenile intervention, and reduces crime.
  • Our Human Resource Department and the Public Safety Department work hand and hand in an attempt to reduce program fraud by operating the "Fraud Hotline", conducting follow up investigations, making referrals for criminal prosecution and restitution.

Public Safety team

  • The Tampa Housing Authority Contracting and Procurement Department secures contracts from qualified security firms to provide security at our elderly complexes that are continually monitored by the Public Safety Department to ensure safety and security procedures, and standards are being adhered to.
  • The Public Safety Department, Property and Program Services and the Operations Department work closely with our residents and in the communities providing referral services, support services, training and education programs in an attempt to re-direct residents away from the criminal justice system.
  • The Public safety Department provides training, education and support to our Resident Council members, Neighborhood Watch, property management staff, residents, and law enforcement for the purpose of enhancing the safety and security of our residents, their families and our communities throughout.
  • All Tampa Housing Authority Departments interact and work closely with the Public Safety Department so that we may provide safety and security measures to help "Build a World Class Community". The Public Safety Department continues to embrace team work, education, training and new technology so that we may continue to meet the challenges of the new era for public housing.
ENG Report SPANISH Report