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Rent Calculation Sheet

To calculate the Family Rent Affordability, the following equation can be used:

  1. Payment Standard for the zip code where the unit is located
  2. Subtract the Total Tenant Payment (listed on the Notice of Seeking Housing) 
  3. Equals Maximum HAP subsidy 
  4. Take the maximum HAP subsidy and add 40% of Monthly Adjusted Income (listed on the Notice of Seeking Housing)
  5. Finally, that will equal the maximum allowable gross rent

This is the amount of rent that you can afford based on your income if the gross rent is higher than this amount, you can not afford the unit.  Gross rent is the rent to the owner plus utility allowance based on the unit type and voucher size.


  1. Payment Standard for the zip code where the unit is located equals: ($900)
  2. Minus Total Tenant Payment (listed on the Notice of Seeking Housing): (- $150) 
  3. Equals Maximum HAP subsidy: (= $750)
  4. Maximum HAP subsidy: ($750)
  5. $750 Plus 40% of Monthly Adjusted Income (listed on the Notice of Seeking Housing): (+ $200)
  6. Maximum allowable gross rent: (= $950)
  7. Utility allowance provided by THA based on voucher and unit size - example only: (- $150)
  8. Maximum rent to owner: (= $800)

* The maximum allowable gross rent includes utilities. If you pay utilities, you must subtract the utility allowance for the unit type and voucher size. All utility allowances can be found on our website under the Assisted Housing Department