May 17 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
I. Regular Meeting
Chairman James Cloar called the regular meeting of the Tampa Housing Authority Board of Commissioners to order at 8:37 a.m. Other Board members present were Lorena Hardwick, Sul Hemani, Ben Dachepalli, and legal counsel Ricardo Gilmore. Bemetra Salter Liggins and Parker Homans were not present for this meeting.
The Chair began by asking everyone for a moment of silent prayer and/or personal meditation; those in attendance were also asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance; recital of the agency's mission statement followed.
II. Minutes
A motion to approve the Minutes of the regular Board Meeting of March 15, 2023 was made by Commissioner Hardwick and seconded by Commissioner Hemani:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Dachepalli - Present
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
III. Public Forum (3 minutes limit allotted per speaker)
- None to come before this forum.
IV. Special Presentation
- Chair James Cloar - Billi Johnson-Griffin, Retired Resident Commissioner
V. Employees of the Month
- Administration - Shalyn Johnson
VI. Special Recognition (Geraldine Barnes Award)
- Recipient - Andrea Daniels
VII. Resolutions
Sr. VP/COO Mr. Leroy Moore presented resolution 2023-4264.
- 2023-4264 Leroy Moore: A resolution authorizing the President/CEO and/or Chief Operating Officer of the housing Authority of The City of Tampa, Florida to execute closing documents, including but not limited to a special warranty deed in favor of lot 10 Hotel Owner, LLC and Lot 10 Multifamily Owner, LLC, for the sale of lot 10, now known as lot 10 North and lot 10 South, Encore, a subdivision located in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.
A motion to approve resolution 2023-4263 was made by Commissioner Dachepalli and seconded by Commissioner Hemani:
Commissioner Hardwick - Yes
Commissioner Dachepalli - Yes
Commissioner Hemani - Yes
Commissioner Cloar - Yes
VIII. President/CEO's Report
Finance and Related Entities
The Sr. VP/CFO, Ms. Susi Begazo-McGourty stated that the agency was at its year end, and with the assistance of a consulting firm, her staff was working on preparing financials for HUD, due at the end of May.
The CFO introduced Lisa Dorsainvil, the new Assistant Director to the Finance Director, replacing the comptroller who left to pursue other opportunities.
The agency is doing well financially, said the CFO, adding that while the closing of lot 10 will generate $10 million for the agency, the closing of Bel Mar had added $213,000 in developer fees already.
Operations and Real Estate Development
The Sr. VP/COO, Mr. Leroy Moore began his report thanking Board members for approval of Encore's lot 10, scheduled to close on April 20. Mill Creek's lot 8 may close in the next 60 days for the development of just under 300 multi-family market-rate units. Lot 13 will be the only remaining lot at Encore to close, likely by the end of the year. Two lots that closed in February will include a boutique grocery store on the ground floor of lot 12, anticipating construction to be underway in 60-90 days after permitting.
More activity was taking place in terms of programs and services with Encore being part of the Downtown Special Services District. Perry Harvey Park held a large concert about two weekends ago. As mentioned during last month's meeting, the agency was entering into a short-term contract with the Tampa Bay History Center to activate St. James Church.
There was no issue with parking at the Encore, said the COO; all parking around Encore was now labeled for 2-hour parking and the resident parking garages have not reached capacity, additionally, all Encore buildings have public and visitor parking on the ground floor.
Construction was underway at West River Canopy Phase 1, for almost 200 units. Canopy Phase 2 will be funded once the appeals process is through. WR's workforce parcel remains to be funded, likely to be funded before the end of this year.
The Manor at WR was well under construction. Lennar's closing for 80 townhomes units at WR was deferred until a Section 8 resident residing at a single-family home by the site can relocate.
The COO showed images of six acres of the commercial lots at West River. Two of those lots were under contract to build a hotel, the other four were getting offers to build more hotels as well as residential on Main Street.
Negotiations were ongoing with the Related Group regarding the agency's co-developer role of the City of Tampa's Rome Yard; another entitlement hearing with City Council was scheduled for April 20.
Robles Park Village residents and THA were anxious to start the relocation process, however HUD approval was pending. The COO hoped to meet with HUD in person next week, in DC, along with President/CEO Mr. Jerome Ryans and the CFO Ms. Begazo-McGourty.
As mentioned by CFO, Casa Bel Mar, 100 new units of family housing in South Tampa, the site was acquired in December, and financing closed in early April. Work was already underway with demolition started; it will be an 18-month build.
IX. Legal Matters
- None to come before this forum.
X. Unfinished Business
- None to come before this forum.
XI. Notices and Updates
Mr. Moore introduced the new Public Relations Director, Ms. Rose Lugo, she was pleased to serve THA in this role and was looking forward to meeting each of the Commissioners individually.
XII. New Business
Commissioner Dachepalli asked how the passing of the Affordable Housing Bill would impact the agency. Mr. Ryans and the COO agreed that it was great news and hoped to take advantage of all the opportunities that the bill will offer.
The Director of Program and Property Services, Ms. Stephanie Brown-Gilmore, stated that the second fundraiser for the year led by her department was the Fishing Tournament, scheduled for May 5 at Hubbard's Marina. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. An invitation was extended to Commissioners and the director promised to followup with an invitation by email.
Ms. Brown-Gilmore also mentioned the Older American Month celebration is scheduled for May 18, at the Oaks at Riverview, adding that she would forward more details to Commissioners via email.
XIII. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before this Board, the Chair declared this meeting of the THA Board of Commissioners adjourned at 9:32 a.m.
Approved this 17th day of May 2023.